Thursday, April 24, 2014


Hand-dyes, monoprint on pima cotton,
Cherie Porter Blackwell 2010

UC Davis is proud to host a printmaking on textiles summer class in connection with the Homeless Homes and Blankets for the Homeless projects in Oakland, California.  Join artist/printmaker/social activist Cherie Porter Blackwell for an exciting adventure into printmaking on recycled/repurposed textiles as part of a larger collaborative fine arts and community activism project.  Students will produce hand-printed textiles joined into hand-stitched pieces to be used as blankets for the interiors for the highly publicized Homeless Homes Project.  Designs will also be printed, reworked, joined, sliced, reorganized and pushed through a wonderful process-oriented repopulation design process, then photographed as a unified design for printing on fleece blankets which the public can purchase as a fundraiser for the homeless project.

Printmaking techniques will include screen printing, relief printing, monoprint/monotype, resist, reduction, and various stencil processes using a variety of media including fabric dyes, fabric inks, paints, crayons, pastels, charcoal and graphite, as well as photographic processes directly on the fabric.

As a added bonus, students who complete the course will receive certification to work independently after class completion in the UC Davis textile and screen printing studios on an ongoing basis.

Skills Level Required:  This is a multi-level class accepting beginning through advanced level

Registration begins in May 2014 through the UC Davis Crafts Center
Class dates and times:  August 9 and 16, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Non-credit course but with amazing resume potential

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